
Major Benefits of exercise

  Look at  a number of  the major benefits, both physical and mental,  that an exercise program can  arouse  y our life.                 Let's start with the physical benefits. Number  one, cardiovascular and respiratory improvement. Over time,  you finish  up strengthening the cardiac  muscle that surrounds your heart,  you furthermore may  pump a greater volume of blood with each stroke, which  causes a decrease in resting  vital sign , you develop  plenty  more red blood cells, which improves your  ability to bring oxygen to your muscles, and your lungs become stronger and better at supplying your  body with the oxygen it needs. Number two, reduction in health risk factors. Regular exercise can reduce  your risk of  upset , developing type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.                    Research  also shows that active people have a lower risk of colon and  carcinoma , and regular exercise  can also increase your chances of living longer. Number three, increased  rate . M

cause of food poisoning and cure

  food poisoning usually starts with  feeling sick and really bad stomach  cramps with many going on to vomit or  have diarrhea and if you're really  unlucky you'll have it coming out of  both ends the most common causes of food  poisoning are bacteria such as  Salmonella and e-coli or viruses usually  norovirus also known as the winter  vomiting bug when struck down with  diarrhea and vomiting people often  wonder if it's from something that  they've eaten or not and the truth is.                we  don't always know the answer to that  question and in fact it doesn't offer  matter either because whether the  infection is from that dodgy sandwich  you ate or from touching that bus  handrail the symptoms are pretty much  the same and the treatment is to the  best things to do are try to rest until  you feel better  and it is best stay at home for 2 days  after you've stopped vomiting or having  diarrhea - as you're likely to still be  infectious drink p

Do this and make your look young...!

Bright side of life  number one manage your stress level  winning a Nobel Prize in Physiology of  medicine is no easy thing but that's  exactly what Elizabeth Blackburn Carol  Greider and Jack szostak did back in  2009 they found out that telomeres                                                                                                                                    which  are basically the ends of our  chromosomes are responsible for the  aging process in ourselves and the basic  principle of their work is pretty simple  the shorter they are the faster we age  as it turns out one of the main things  that can significantly shorten your  telomeres is stress luckily there's a  solution for all your worries meditation  multiple studies have confirmed its  efficiency in dealing with telomeres  becoming shorter the best option here is  Zen meditation scientists from the  University of Zaragoza in Spain  discovered that on average Zen  meditators have longer telomeres than

how to eat a Raw food diet

T  he benefits of the raw food diet or this number one that we going to  be guaranteed of eating a diet that's  not processed at all that means it  doesn't have any added chemicals you  know nothing's been done to it to alter           The nutrient content the second reason  why raw food diet would be good is  because your body actually doesn't  absorb as many calories from raw foods  as it does from cooked food so if you're  trying to lose weight a raw foods diet  is a great way to do that raw foods are  rich in fiber and they generally  maintain the full volume of fiber you  know                                           when you cook foods it kind of  cooks it down it's smaller portions when  you eat for example a whole cup of raw  carrots is the same as 1/2 a cup of the  cooked you're getting much more volume  from raw foods and you there are live  enzymes and raw foods that are often  destroyed by cooking there are vitamins  that are destroyed by cookin

How to Get Rid on smoking

                  Everyone isn't this incredible we're out here with in  outdoor automobile parking space of  the World Health Organization and smoking is totally   prohibited around the world...                              today we are seeing more and more smoke-free places both indoors and  outdoors and seeing more signs exactly like this one  and that w  all know why   tobacco is harmful for health not just for  smokers but also to the flaks that  are exposed to secondhand smoke even for smokers who are well informed of the  harms of tobacco quitting will be  incredibly difficult I spoke with an  expert and he shared three of the most important  challenges to quitting tobacco as a  tobacco user their body and brain getting accustomed action on  certain  level of nicotine if they quit meaning   their body to have find out how  to  function without nicotine this adjustment process will make them feel uncomfortable and caused together with your  symptoms okay...              

how Nicotine is Effect on your body

To  understand how smoking affects the  body imagine cigarette smoke as a  that transports toxic chemicals from  your lungs to the remainder  of your body  cigarette smoke doesn't just board  your lungs  ...                         The thousands of poisonous  chemicals from burning cigarette cross  from your lungs  so  gets pumped by  the heart into your bloodstream let's  take a glance  at just some  of the  chemicals in cigarette smoke and a few  of  their effects nicotine once within the  bloodstream nicotine aggravates the  nervous system to release adrenaline  adrenaline raises both your blood  pressure and vital sign  and makes blood  vessels and arteries stiffer and  narrower over time it causes plaque to  build up inside your arteries all of  these changes increase the chance  of heart  attack stroke and gangrene you're also  at risk of blockages in vital organs.                   such as the stomach and kidneys nasty  tar tar could be a  by-product from burning