Do this and make your look young...!

Bright side of life 
number one manage your stress level winning a Nobel Prize in Physiology of medicine is no easy thing but that's exactly what Elizabeth Blackburn Carol Greider and Jack szostak did back in 2009 they found out that telomeres                                                                                                                                    which are basically the ends of our chromosomes are responsible for the aging process in ourselves and the basic principle of their work is pretty simple the shorter they are the faster we age as it turns out one of the main things that can significantly shorten your telomeres is stress luckily there's a solution for all your worries meditation multiple studies have confirmed its efficiency in dealing with telomeres becoming shorter the best option here is Zen meditation scientists from the University of Zaragoza in Spain discovered that on average Zen meditators have longer telomeres than any other people of their age so pick the meditation technique you like and go for it.   

umber two surround yourself with people you like the other secret to staying young is having people you love and appreciate around you Blackburn greater and so stacks research proved that people who live in safe and friendly communities have longer telomeres another study conducted by the scientists of issue University along with other specialists showed that people who are married or maintain old friendships grow older a bit more slowly too but that doesn't mean you should befriend just anyone you meet an Australian study of centenarians found that all you need is six good buddies and you'll be fine.   

    3:number three eat less yes I know burgers and cupcakes are delicious but a study published in Nature communications Journal confirmed that caloric restriction is way more beneficial for keeping a fresh and youthful look during the study researchers observed two groups of monkeys for two years they came to the conclusion that the monkeys who were on a low-calorie diet lived longer and stayed healthier overall if you aren't too excited about cutting down your usual portion size you can always stick to an anti-aging menu blueberries dark chocolate nuts figs salmon avocado tumeric all these products will not only slow down the aging process but also lower the risk of heart disease protect your skin and vision and support your cognitive function and don't forget to add walnuts to the mix as well a recent study from the University of Scranton showed that they contain more anti-aging antioxidants than any other product just don't go too crazy with them eating three walnuts a day is more than enough.   

           4:number four rack your brain exercising and taking care of your diet is great but keeping your brain in shape is even better scientists from Rutgers University discovered that learning boosts the number of neurons you have which helps your brain stay younger and this type of neuron can be increased with every mental activity you like from reading books to learning foreign languages so the more actively your brain works the slower the aging process is.     

          5:number 5 wear sunscreen it doesn't matter if it's sunny or cloudy unfortunately UV rays are always there waiting to damage your skin they not only break down elastin the tissue that's responsible for your skin's elasticity but also cause other skin problems like wrinkles and an uneven skin tone however a sunscreen was the rating of at least SPF 30 can easily reverse signs of aging the participants of the study published in the dermatological Journal confirmed that using P f 30 sunscreen daily for a year significantly improved their skin texture you can still make small exceptions from time to time and spend no more than 15 minutes in the Sun without sunscreen Cancer Research UK suggests that it'll help you get some crucial vitamin D without the risk of getting skin cancer. 

         6:number sex dance a study from the German Centre for neurodegenerative diseases came to a fascinating discovery dancing is one of the most effective types of exercise to reverse the aging process this is especially true for continuously changing choreography which boosts the work of the hypo campus helping you stay younger and making you the shining star of every dance party.                                                                                                    THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG...


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