
Showing posts from November, 2021

yoga basic step for good health

  Let’s start with  the foremost  basic yoga exercise. 1 :Stand straight. Put your heels slightly apart  so  your big toes touch  one another . Don’t bend any  a part of  your back or neck - your spine must be straight. Keep your shoulders back, and your chin parallel to  the ground . To make sure you’re doing so, choose any distant object  before  of you  and appearance  at it while performing this pose. Now stretch your arms as if you’re trying  to achieve  the sky,  together with your  palms facing one another. Stand like this for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing easily, and thinking positively. 2: Standing straight, hold your arms to the side of your body. Bend your right knee,  so  place your right foot  high  on your left thigh. Make sure  the only real  is placed firm and flat above your  ginglymus , and your left knee is not bent. You can hold onto the wall  to stay  your balance. If  you'll be able to  stand like that  with none  support, then raise your arms over your he

Cause of kidney failure and sign

  we're going to look at acute renal  failure which is defined as a decrease  in glomerular filtration rate and I put  reversible because in quotations because  it may be reversible but essentially  it's you know it's it's damage to the  kidneys which will cause a few problems  and many problems actually and so we'll  look at these these problems and some  causes of acute renal failure .                           so here  I'm just during the anatomy here we have  the kidneys the inferior vena cava where  the renal veins drain into and then we  have the ribs here and here is the  diaphragm and here we have the aorta  which will supply the kidneys through  the renal artery and here we have the  pelvis and now the kidneys as we know  produce urine which will travel through  the ureter and go to the bladder and  your EIN is stored in the bladder and  when needed the bladder will contract  and expel your run through the urethra.          now above the kidneys we have